Infragistics installation on Windows Server 2008 64-Bit
Infragistics installation on Windows Server 2008
One of my friend facing issues to installed the Infragistics in 64 bit server.
Error Description
- While installing Infrajistics Software (Net Advantage TM 2006 Vol. 1 CLR 1.0 and 2.0) on Windows
Server 2008 on 64-Bit OS – it completes installation upto 99% and then Rolls
back the installation.
During installing Infrajistics Software (Net Advantage TM 2006 Vol. 1 CLR 1.0 and 2.0) on Windows
Server 2008 on 64-Bit OS – set the following two things
Set the compatibility as Windows Server 2003 SP3
or Windows Server 2003 SP2 or Windows Server 2003 SP1 or Windows Server 2003 or
Windows Server 2000 SP(x) or Windows Server 2000 - in the properties window of
Setup File (NetAdvantage61CLR1x.exe and NetAdvantage61CLR20.exe)
During installing do not install complete
software – use “Select Features” to install option and in the selection list – Remove
(de-Select) the option of “ASP.NET samples”. This shall install the Infrajistics
Software successfully on the machine (having OS as Windows Server 2008 and type as 64-Bits).